Graphic Designer
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UI/UX design for a meal planning app.

As someone who struggles to cook more often, I wanted to find out why others might struggle to do the same and to find a solution.

As someone who struggles to cook more often, I wanted to find out why others might struggle to do the same and to find a solution.

To prove my hypothesis I started by interviewing people who could potentially benefit from a cooking related app.

To prove my hypothesis I started by interviewing people who could potentially benefit from a cooking related app.

I then researched existing meal planning apps and analyzed the most popular ones.

I then researched existing meal planning apps and analyzed the most popular ones.

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After the user interviews I realized the problem was not the lack of time, but the lack of engagement in meal planning. I proposed a new problem statement and a solution.

After the user interviews I realized the problem was not the lack of time, but the lack of engagement in meal planning. I proposed a new problem statement and a solution.

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A user persona was created to embody the target audience of the app.

A user persona was created to embody the target audience of the app.

To define the site map, I started with the user flow and feature prioritization of the app.

To define the site map, I started with the user flow and feature prioritization of the app.

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I performed my own card sort and then tested two users. The results led me to move the social features to the "Feed" and "Profile" pages, and reminders to the "Notifications" page.

I performed my own card sort and then tested two users. The results led me to move the social features to the "Feed" and "Profile" pages, and reminders to the "Notifications" page.

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The wireframes were built based on the site map and user flow.

The wireframes were built based on the site map and user flow.

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After the wireframes were built, I performed user testing. User feedback was implemented to the prototype.

After the wireframes were built, I performed user testing. User feedback was implemented to the prototype.

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